Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Canada?

Brass Knuckles Legal in Canada

Picture Reference:

Yes! As long as they are made from plastic, plastic knuckles are perfectly legal to own in Canada. Metal Brass Knuckles however are illegal in Canada. Fortunately for Canadians, Monkey Knuckles are made from carbon fiber and ABS plastic making them perfectly legal to possess in Canada. With plastic knuckles Canadians don’t have to be worried about being charged with “possession of a prohibited weapon” which is a serious charge and is handed out when Canadians are caught possessing metal brass knuckles. Even though Plastic Knuckles are legal in Canada their misuse may nonetheless be punishable under other laws. Even though our knuckles are made of plastic they are not a toy, they have the ability to cause serious life altering damage and should not be purchased with the intention to misuse them.

The picture above is a screenshot from the Government of Canada’s border services agency website from Memorandum D19-13-2 which contains all information pertaining to weapons and firearms. We took the time to highlight (box) the important information for you, especially the part where it states that plastic knuckles are LEGAL in Canada. To view this on the Government of Canada’s website, you can CLICK HERE and scroll down to the Brass Knuckles section. We provide this reference as it is the most clear and concise statement that is present on an official government site and it relates to brass knuckles. As you can see it says “The following goods generally do not meet the definition of prohibited weapon, and thus do not fall under tariff item 9898.00.00” and directly under that it states “plastic knuckles do not fall within the definition of Brass Knuckles”. This definition is straight to the point and leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind that plastic knuckles are in fact LEGAL in Canada.


  • David Blair

    Metal or Plastic – if you’re searched they will be seized.

    Also, if you go through security in a Law courts building they will be seized.

    Carrying anything intended as a weapon is illegal, as they have no other usage it’s pretty hard to argue they’re legal, even if possession itself isn’t inherently illegal.

  • in it magazine

    If your company Carrie produces any more goods in the security or self-defense categories, I would be very interested in them. I’m grateful.

  • Rick Soulie

    Thankyou for going above and beyond to explain and have the proper paperwork to show how it is legal…. I wish more companies took the time that you did with your product,because it sure makes things a lot easier dealing with the cops….I would be really interested in any more products thT your company Carrie’s in the self defense/security areas,also…thankyou,sincerely yours,
    Rick Soulie//.

  • K

    I see that your carbon fiber/plastic based knuckles are legal in canada. I want to know, are they legal to carry around with you on your person when you are outside? and if you are searched while outside and found with these on your person, would there be any punishments?

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